

Mindful Matters

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This is a mood daily mood monitoring app where you can add current mood, activities, and journal snippets. Full stack application integrates authentication using Google or Facebook via Firebase and has built out custom API that stores data to Mongo Atlas cloud database instance.

Tech Used: React, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose ORM, Chart.js, Semantic.UI, Firebase, Mongo Atlas, AWS EC2, AWS EBS


Twitch Video Service

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An app for clients to upload and stream video content. Deployed service and database instances into AWS EC2 for horizontal scaling. Integrated AWS Elastic Load Balancer for autoscaling leveraging AMI and Docker technologies.

Tech Used: React, Webpack, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize,,, AWS EC2, AWS ELB, AWS CloudWatch, nginx, pm2


Crypto Quotes

Link to Repo: logo

This is a cryptocurrency app that charts Bitcoin's last 6 months price history via CoinDesk API. Additional features include the top 6 crytocurrency holdings and shows detailed data via a custom ticker on bottom of page.

Tech Used: React, Express, Chart.js, Semantic.UI, CoinDesk API, API, AWS EC2, AWS EBS